Once Upon A Girl

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Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

||Reading Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books by Francesca Lia Block||

@ 4:42 pm on 03.08.04

So, there was no big kid date, but we did have fun. I wasn't into getting all smarted up and paying way too much for Midwestern fish, so we rented a couple of movies after suffering through the process of getting a Blockbuster card with some poor sod associate named Dan. I felt so badly for this guy. He was clearly young with extremely aged features; a massive gut, young hair, decent skin with signs of wear. We then ate at the Olive Garden. Hooray for salad and breadsticks!

We came home and watched Pirates of the Carribbean and now I totally want to own it. Johhny Depp and Orlando Bloom?! It's sandwich time! But seriously, fucking rock!

Cunts 1 and 2 royally fucked my lovely Teflon frying pan by using metal in it, so we went out and bought a brand spanking new one that's even better and not nonstick. Those fucks are paying us back for it, too. I actually almost let E have it Saturday night when she got on me for doing my laundry while I set theirs aside. I informed her that I had every intention of returning it to the dryer when I was finished and had M not been there, she's have gotten it.

Luke says he's worried about Ghostcat being in the same house with her, too. He doesn't trust her in the slightest and doesn't think she'd be above doing small mean things to my furbaby. I figured that if something happens to him and she's to blame I'm going to ask her how she feels about getting reconstructive surgery on her already ass ugly face and having a couple of her limbs enjoy a lengthy seminar with Mr. Tire Iron.

So far, Luke and I have indulged ourselves in doing the following to their readily available personal hygeine products: Dipping their shower poof in a urine filled toilet, making their toothbrushes do Olympic synchronized swimming/scrubbing of a not recently cleaned toilet, spitting in their face wash, and wiping unwashed ass on their shower poof (a day after the urine incident). I have further plans, possibly involving making a nice telephone call to the Iowa authorities since C is actually supposed to be serving time right now.

Today, since Luke didn't go to work, we started down the road to being free of debt. We opened a savings account! Whee!

We also visited the animals at the Humane Society and a pet store. I wanted to take all of them home. We are definitely going to get a second cat after we move.
