Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Angel||Reading Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books by Francesca Lia Block||

@ 7:33 pm on 03.06.04

I got my eyebrows waxed for the first time this evening after I got out of work. I feel a little naked, to tell the truth, but they do look nice. I just ahev to be sure not to immediately put moisturizer on them when I get home next time. That fucking hurt, dude.

I also got another dozen roses today from Luke. They're lovely.

I had a bit of a difficult week, emotionally and it helps to have those "just because" gifts every now and then. We're supposed to be going on a real live boy and girl date tomorrow night. I don't know that we've ever really been on one of those before.

Work was alright, I suppose. There were some unruly bastard children from Hell there towards the end of the day adn their mother was equally unruly and from Hell, so they deserved each other. I did make a total of almost $5 in tips, though, so that was nice. If only I could make tips and not do the whole barista thing. Apparently, I make great foam, but I'm slow to make drinks and I don't know what goes in what yet, so I think I may drive my comrades a little wacky.

20 days to The Darkness and 3 weeks to Jet, The Vines, and The Living End.
