Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to The Darkness' Permission to Land||Reading A Cook's Tour by Anthony Bourdain||Knitting: grey cardigan sweater for me (2 pieces down)

@ 4:29 pm on 02.13.04

I feel so good today. I got home last night after working with favorite coworker and found two packages waiting for me. One was from Weedy containing a Lush massage bar so tasty smelling I wanna nibble on it, a stuffed Nessie, and some uberyummy candy. The other was my BUST shirt, which I just so happen to be wearing right now. I also did a fine job with my make-up and hair, so I�m extra adorable, though I think that my wearing Hello Kitty! underwear is bolstering that feeling to a certain degree.

I really think that I need to either get some more shoes for work or put squishy insoles into my new sneaks. At the end of a day at work, my feet hurt so much it�s ridiculous. I�m probably going to take the new shoes route since I�ve wanted some comfy black ones for the past month or so. I don�t know if I�ll go chunky heel or slip-on yet, but when I do, I�ll be even giddier than I am now.

Luke and I did some room rearrangement this morning/afternoon. He�s itching to do something to somehow further his chances of career advancement and decided that taking the LAMP (Linux, Apache, don�t remember M, and Perl/Python) route would be best. So, we hauled out the old box and cleared an enclave for him while bringing our desk down to our room and setting this monster on it. Can I just say how much I hate lugging a 19� monitor? I know I have no room to bitch, but that fucker is heavy. So, I now get to sit at a desk while computing!! With a chair!! And I don�t have to let both my legs fall asleep because they�re all squished up under an end table while sitting on the floor. After all the moving was done, he put Fedora on and has commenced learning. We thought he might be dropping down top part time at work in order to do the learning thing, but financially it would be really hard. While I am working now, I don�t make as much as he does hourly, so it would be a huge hit to the pocket. I offered to get second PT job goodness, but he didn�t want me doing it, so he figures he�ll learn weekends and evenings while maintaining full time employment.

Tomorrow is V-Day and I get to go out to dinner with Andy. I also get to go out to dinner Sunday with Luke as our own special thing. And presents tomorrow! I have to remember to get him some flowers when I drop him at work.
