Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to The Flaming Lips' Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots||Reading A Cook's Tour by Anthony Bourdain||Knitting: grey cardigan sweater for me (2 pieces down)

@ 11:33 am on 02.10.04

Apart from buying things, I had something of a blah weekend. I worked last night and, though better by a thousand fold than my last job, there was absolutely nothing to do, so I had to spend the evening talking with a high schooler and listening to her recite the drama in high schoolese. It broke my brain. She�s a nice girl with a city�s name, but I don�t know if I can do that on a regular basis.

I think our trusty optical mouse may be dying on me. It�s terribly slow to respond today and it�s driving me up a wall.

Luke and I have purchased Valentine�s Day gifts, one of which he has already received because it was more of an �I�m paying for this� situation than an actual gift-finding mission thing. He will be getting a little box of Godiva chocolates, the second in a series of one of his favorite comics, and a little stuffed groundhog. I knew I had to get him a stuffed animal because that�s what we do, so I was gabbing with Greg in B&N and mentioned it when he told me to �get the groundhog�, so I had to search it out, but it�s absolutely perfect, especially given its resemblance to the muskrat we saw last week when we walked to the post office. I told Greg that I seriously owe him one for the adorable tip.

Concert plans are up and running. I got the days off, Luke got the days off, Andy is going to buy tickets, and Joni (coworker of Luke�s) really wants to go. Luke and I just have to decide whether or not we want to drive to and from Milwaukee two days in a row or stay over and just bum around during the day. Staying over would be cool, as we�ve never had sex (or even stayed together) in a hotel, but it would also mean added expense.

Both C and E are now unemployed, which means that they�re home far more than I�d like; using up the hot water with showering twice daily, watching shit in the living room so that I can�t spend time with kitty C.A.M., hogging the laundry facilities with their skanky underwear. Seriously, E wears the trashiest Wal-mart crap I�ve ever seen, plus, I have to freakin� touch it if it�s in the way! Um, ew! I don�t know the circumstances surrounding the loss of C�s job, but I wonder what they�re doing now for gas and drug money. His next court date is 2 weeks from today and I hope they nail him to the wall, revoking his license and fun things of that sort. Luke and I are praying that C slips up and accidentally spills his Iowa information to M. Apparently, he�s now in huge debt with the lawyer he hired on the DL and will more than likely have some trouble with that. One thing you don�t want to do is piss off the lawyer who got you largely out of trouble.

Bored today. It�s Luke�s midshift, too, so it means he won�t be home until 8 and I will be bored until then. We�re having super nachos for dinner, though, so that helps.
