Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Jet's Get Born||Reading A Cook's Tour by Anthony Bourdain||Knitting: grey cardigan sweater for me

@ 2:46 pm on 01.28.04

Almost a month to the day from ordering, I got my Key Lime Pie 3-in-1 from Philosophy and the top was freaking splintered. I�m just glad that the bottle was sealed for my protection because I would have had a messy time of opening the box otherwise. It makes me angry that it took so long to get here and, when it did, it was all fucked up. I don�t� know who they�re using for a delivery company, but what with the last box looking like the driver had used it to play soccer and this one being all broken, I should probably give them a piece of my mind. I emailed them yesterday asking where the hell my stuff was, but that was obviously prior to today�s delivery. I am fortunate in that I have other bottles of lesser-used stuff from them, so I just took the top from one of those and put it on the new stuff. I don�t use the scrub much, so I covered it with plastic wrap and sealed it with an elastic too keep it from drying up on me.

I am a dumbhead on a couple of fronts as well. One, I cut my pinky open while washing last nights dinner pans. Two, I thought that for the past week no one loved me, but I had just forgotten to toss the stats code into my new layout.

Luke is really pissed off at work and considering taking some more vacation soon. Apparently, they�ve been shifting poor Rita around a lot. Last I heard she had been banished from working in the caf� because people were complaining about her and she was supposed to be �dusting�. She really enjoys helping Luke strip magazines, too, but they�re not even allowing her to do that anymore, telling her that she should clean the stairs. Both she and everyone else in a non-managerial position know that she�s being dicked around. She was a chemical engineer in Russia before coming here, for cripes sake; she�s got more than enough brain to know when she�s getting the shaft. This woman has lived through so much and is really a sweet woman. She�s so friendly and talkative, just like your own personal Russian grandma. Luke (and all his coworkers) thinks that if they don�t want her doing actual work, they should just fire her. It�s hugely unfair to make her do work that she knows doesn�t need doing in some pathetic attempt to be nice. Luke said he was thisclose to telling the managers that they�re being assholes (in gentler language), but he doesn�t feel he has enough clout to do it alone. I told him to rally his coworkers who he knows feel the same and have them all confront the management. He often chimes in saying, �Oh, I could use Rita�s help with [insert duty here].� But they never allow her to do anything worthwhile. He�s got 10 days this year, so I told him to take some of them in the coming months, knowing that the one week he took recently just wasn�t enough to refresh him.

I�m trying really hard to think of things to do for Valentine�s Day, but after last year�s extravaganza, I�m all tapped out. I think we may just do dinner the day after or something, since he has to work. I already put some stuff into the Isthmus� Book of Love, a first for me, so I don�t know.

It�s absurdly cold out again today, so I�m not even considering stepping outside. I�m having a hard enough time staying warm inside. At least I have a tasty dinner of tuna melt sandwich and potato product to look forward to. The whole cooking for ourselves thing is working out just fine, I think. M isn�t complaining, even if she is leaving the pans out for us to wash. But, I think that such a thing is only fair. Just as she shouldn�t make me wash their crappy food pans (she does still), she shouldn�t be made to wash mine.
