Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Neko Case's Black Listed||Reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain (no time to read)||Knitting: grey cardigan sweater for me

@ 4:23 pm on 01.24.04

Luke stayed home yesterday since we got halfway to dropping him off and learned that there was an hour delay, so we turned around and he called off work. He ended up having a long talk with C, barring me from the only room in the house in which I feel comfortable.

Apparently, �C is going to try to understand [me] better.� I don�t know what the hell that�s supposed to mean, but, uh, if it�s forgiveness he wants, he�s not getting it. One cannot simple treat another person like crap for three years and expect an automatic pass to just drop the anger. With me, forgiveness comes neither easily nor quickly. He can do what he pleases in terms of being cordial to me, but I won�t look at him as anything other than what he is. I originally thought that Luke had just accepted what had been said, but after talking it out, he said that he knows they were in the wrong, he�s still mad at the both of them, and forgiveness isn�t in the cards for a very long time. They will have to prove themselves to him before he�ll consider it. I, on the other hand, expect an apology from both of them before even considering them to be human and worthy of both the oxygen and the space that they take up.

With our day, we made huge bacon cheeseburgers, watched some Family Guy, grocery shopped, and just enjoyed one another�s company. We had had Chinese Thursday and since I have largely sworn off eating the in-laws� cooking, I think that my cooking for the two of us will become much more frequent. I cooked for everybody last night and Luke was the only one to say thanks. Not only that, but we neither thanked nor reimbursed for picking up groceries for them. I told Luke that I won�t be cooking for anyone but us again. I will not cook thanklessly and then be expected to wash the dishes as well.

Tomorrow we won�t be playing Civilization, I guess. Greg is feeling ill and also forgot to send out a final email to everyone, so it�s not happening. I don�t mind it so much since it means that I don�t have to be extra social and Luke and I can either go on a date or do dinner with Andy. I�m making lasagna Monday night and chicken curry on Tuesday, so we have to shop Mondayish.

I slept really poorly last night, so forgive me if I seem a little out of sorts. At least I have leftover Chinese for dinner and more tasty beverages than I can shake a stick at.
