Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Outkast's Stankonia||Reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain||Knitting: grey cardigan sweater for me

@ 11:54 am on 01.20.04

Aaaaahhhhh�such relief to be living with the upper hand. I�ve felt a thousand times more comfortable since Luke laid down the law with those two. I have neither heard nor read a peep from the little girl and I like it that way. I just found out more from on the lam Jim and I will report back to Luke this evening when he gets home from work. Apparently, C�s been paying for a lawyer for both he and E in Iowa, explaining how he got off so leniently. He blew all of his college money on representation for the two of them. I doubt they�ll both be so lucky, though.

We had a wonderful weekend, even if it was frickin� freezing the whole time. Our dinner out was so sweet and quiet, not to mention tasty. I still have some left over in the fridge. We had to walk quite a bit to and from the restaurant because parking downtown can be dicey, but it certainly prepared us to get into the warm restaurant and relax.

We made chili and listened to music yesterday, having to hit Janesville for delicious bagel sandwiches and chili supplies.

All is quiet on the home front today, so not a whole lot to say. But, I am content and considering a redesign.
