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� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

||Reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain||Knitting: grey cardigan sweater for me

@ 12:28 pm on 01.14.04

Knitting circle was fun last night and I had forgotten how much I missed it. I may even have wrangled a job out of it. A B&N expat was there and she now manages the really cool coffee/yarn shop that we went to a while back. She�s looking for a PT yarn person and said that I should come in and apply soon, that she�d really love for me to work with her. We didn�t get out of there until 11:30 or so, but it was worth it for the conversation and just being around other like-minded people.

I have a fair amount of crap to do today, but I don�t want to do any of it. Laundry needs folding, I imagine they�re going to try and make me wash the dishes and walk their idiot dog. I find that I have less patience in dealing with the 4 of them the longer I live here. I don�t know if it�s because I have to keep all the food we actually want to be able to eat in our bedroom or the fact that I suspect that someone�s been using my razor of all things, but the lack of respect for the belongings of others in this house is really getting to me. Last night, because the bath mat was covered in C�s sewage, I put down one of their regular showering towels as my bathmat and just hung it back up as usual. I know they won�t know the difference, but damn it, I�m going to start giving as good as I get. We were instructed last week not to eat the things that had been purchased specifically for C�s surgery, but he and his slattern girlfriend are just chowing down on everything we happen to leave up there. The kid�s not supposed to be on solid foods, but he�s eating our tuna, nobody else but Luke and I like cranberry juice, or so we thought, but E�s been drinking the hell out of it. I�m mere moments away from labeling everything we have up there with a note saying, �If you didn�t buy it and you don�t know where it came from, leave it the fuck alone�. Luke keeps saying that I eat their food, but that�s pretty much untrue. I subsist on bagels, leftovers from things we�ve both bought and cooked, and whatever I know isn�t going to make me sick, meaning that we probably bought it.
