Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to the cat whine||Thinking I like my new purse||

@ 6:23 pm on 12.12.03

I finally managed to finish that purse last night and everybody seems to think that it�s quite cute. I notice all the little mistakes, but I guess that�s simply because I am hyper critical of my own creations. My gram sent me a n email saying that she has a lot of needles, including circulars, that she can give me, so I can really up my collection without spending any money if I can wait that long.

Anyways, here�s the purse:

Last night brought much cuddling along with the purse finishing and some mediocre sex. Why do boys think that just because I have my period it means that I don�t get an orgasm, too? I wasn�t expecting him to get down there and earn his red wings or anything, I merely wanted him to play with me as I used my lovely dolphin friend. I explained this to him and he apologized, so next time we try, I should get my half of the deal.

We spent today doing dishes (fucking in-laws left a note saying to do so even though I did them yesterday with no thanks) and then went to the store to get food for just us. It was a nice time and I even got a box of clementines. Those tiny little jewels of fruit make me happy and have ever since I was young.

A friend who uses Livejournal has just informed me that codes are now free to all, so I am now weetatertot, but there�s no content yet. I may not use it for anything other than friends only stuff, but I don�t know yet. Just what I need, right? Something else online to take up my time.

We�re trying to finagle going home for Luke�s vacation week. I have to get in touch with my parents and see how willing they would be to foot the bill and have us stay there. They called me last night, returning the call I made to the on Monday and Dad seems to really like his new job, even though he�s a bit astonished at the responsibilities he has. He�s managing the network for 12 radiologists and doing everything from handling the digital x-rays to helping people with their printers. I�m so proud of him.
