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� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Dar Williams - After All||Thinking about beverages||

@ 3:11 pm on 12.02.03

Birthday gift #1 arrived in the post this afternoon. Am I going to be a birthday spoiler and open it right away? Hell no! I'm not anally retentive about much, but opening gifts when they're meant to be opened is definitely one of those things that must be done. I just have to hope that there's a bank open on Sunday when I open everything because I'm going to be desperate to get out there and shop my little heart out when the checks are opened.

That said, I'd really like a cream soda right now. This from the girl who ordinarily doesn't enjoy that particular beverage. I blame Andy for the craving; it was the only thing he had to drink in his apartment other than that damned Mr. Green crap.
