Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Lamb - Gorecki||Thinking about yesterday||# of days to 23: 11

@ 10:49 am on 11.26.03

(Whoever decided that Word should save things when the computer shits the bed is a very wise individual indeed. Shiny computer box went boom and I very angrily thought I�d have to retype everything out, but I opened Word and there my words were, the title claiming that it was �(recovered)�. Technology, I love and hate you at the same time.)

I told a terrible lie. I don�t think I�m actually going to get to tell the story of Luke and me. I just haven�t had the time this week and I don�t know that I�ll be able to get to it.

We did have a nice weekend, though. I spent some time with Andy on Sunday, got a nice meal out of it, and didn�t get angry with him once. I met some of Luke�s coworkers that want to knit with us, made a tentative plan, then realized that the plan was for he night before Thanksgiving, and trashed it. Not everything was an up note, though. I woke up Sunday morning to M&G hanging out in front of the water heater and when I asked what was up, I got blamed for the fact that it wasn�t working properly, even though I had not showered for more than 10 hours and it wasn�t like I came down afterwards and poked it with sharp things in its most delicate places or anything. So, even after they figured out what the problem was (the chip that tells time and decides when it should turn on and off was retarded), I still didn�t get an apology.

We bought a new down quilt on Monday. Luke was trying to pull our old one up to cover himself better when it tore. I was too cold that night to sew it properly, so I conned him into letting us get a new one (they�re always on super-sale). After getting the new one, I sewed the old one up sturdily, though not prettily, and now we have two, thus reducing our cover weight by a lot and our blanket number by 1/3.

Yesterday, though it got off to a crusty start, was wonderful, truly. I woke up in a funk because the cat had woken me up more than is decent between the hours of 5 and 10, so I got a little snippy with Luke while I was driving him in to work. I got there, decided that grumpiness was a bad idea, and went about my business. I got some eyelash yarn and a pair of size 11 needles and then headed back to B&N to do as I planned. Luke would pop by from time to time, giving me updates on his day, and on his first break, he surprised me with a blueberry scone and a peppermint hot chocolate.

He actually ended up getting out 3 � hours early, so we decided to see Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World and then go to dinner. We had to bum around to kill time for a bit, but that was a cinch. We wandered the mall, meandered in Best Buy, and played a video game at the theater. The movie was great. Really well done with a compelling story. There were parts where they would tug at your heart, nut they�d lighten it up shortly there after so you wouldn�t spend the rest of the film blubbering. I actually managed not to cry, but one of those tugs was a rough one. We dined at Outback Steakhouse and though it�s not the most romantic place on earth, we really like their cheese fries. So, we stuffed ourselves before our meal even arrived.

We got home, hung out down here watching QE, and showered. I guess that while I was still in there, M cornered Luke and told him that we need to make a budget. My immediate reaction was that Luke is an adult, well over 18, and she hasn�t theright to tell him what to do. I don�t know if she expecting to look at this thing, but I doubt we�ll even do it. She�s all up in arms because we spent our anniversary out. She doesn�t know how much we spent (not much in the grand scheme) and has no right to be making judgment calls on our life. She freaks out because there are 4 doggy bag containers in the fridge, one of which was paid for by Andy.

The funny thing is that something happened to snag W and K up, so they�re not coming for Thanksgiving anymore. M was whining about how he was the only reason she was going to have everything here and now she�s left to deal with her in-laws. Well, lady, you�re not the only one in that boat. With W not here and you dealing with your in-laws, it means that you�ll be in Super Bitch Mode (as opposed to Regular Bitch Mode) and I have to deal with you.

I really did have a lovely time last night, though. I appreciate and love spending time with that boy more and more every day. We have grown so much since the last time we lived here and are now a cohesive unit fighting a battle that will never be won, but at least we�re sticking together making game plans and supporting one another unconditionally. I have learned that love is most certainly a journey and that though there may be an occasional bump in the road, as long as you keep yourselves buckled in and the radio on, things turn out fine in the end and you end up stronger for those bumps.
