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Brenda Weiler - You Sweet Thing||Thinking moving may have been a bad||# of days to 23: 19

@ 11:18 am on 11.18.03

I am a grumpy little orb today and it�s all because what I didn�t think would happen this time has. Not 48 hours had I lived here before the terribly thinly veiled insults started to roll in. Thanks a lot, M. Really, it�s great to pick on someone when they�re suffering through enough stress as it is. Stupid bitch. And this after I made everyone dinner and folded their laundry and offered to help with Thanksgiving dinner. Top it off with the fact that I�m here alone until late this afternoon and then it�s only to be with them. Luke won�t be home until at least 8ish and I miss him so desperately already. I�m pretty sure that I�m just going to hang out down here between when they get home and Luke does. If someone can�t come out and say what they mean and choose instead cloak what they mean, I don�t need to spend any more time than is necessary with the individual.

I slept relatively well for the first time in four days last night, even though the cat woke me more than I care to say and my personal middle of the night mantra became �shallowgraveshallowgraveshallowgraveshallowgrave�. I know that he�s adjusting to a new place just like we are, but can�t he just sleep at night and explore during daylight hours?

I have to walk the dog now that we�re living here and I have no clue as to how I should go about it. I don�t know how to put his harness on, how far to walk with him, what time to go, etc. I should just not walk him today at all seeing as I have to wash the dishes for which I cooked and that is just plain wrong. I thought someone would have taken care of it last night, but no. The pans and all the dishes are sitting there next to the sink asking to be washed. At least this means that I will get to wash and put away my stuff the way I want to.

To top off all the emotional and grueling nastiness of late (I am a walking bruise), I am trying to get over a yeast infection. I found yesterday that I was bleeding for reasons unknown. I�m not terribly concerned with it, but it would be nice to figure it out. I don�t know if it�s because of the medicine or if it�s breakthrough bleeding from not having a period since June, but if I bleed again today, I will just have a period this week and start my pills up again on Sunday, hopefully stopping the flow by the time Tuesday rolls around (anniversary, you know).

Despite all the turmoil of late, we had a wonderful day yesterday. We were awakened far too early by the cat, but we came back downstairs a while later and fell asleep spooning. We got the rest of our stuff out of the old apartment, stood in it with nothing in it, gave one another a hug and a kiss and told the apartment goodbye. I think we were both a little sad to be leaving a place that held so much for us, a lot of our independence, and freedom from judgment about how we live our life. We know that we will live on our own again sooner than later, but it�s still hard to give it up.

We lunched at Uno�s and saw School of Rock before rushing back here so that I could cook. M had already gotten back from work, but I figured as much since we got mired in rush hour traffic. We ate, hung out down here, showered, and curled up on one of the couches upstairs before M started in on me. Sure, it was only one comment, but how petty and immature does she really need to be? Am I a chicken shit for not saying something? Is it wrong for me to think that Luke should maybe have said something to her?

Seriously, if anyone who reads this has been in a similar situation previously, take a moment out of your day to give me a little advice. I need it and most of the time people ignore my requests for advice. I value what people have to say to me, so please say something.
