Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Steve Burns' Songs For Dustmites||Thinking of bliss||# of days to 23: 52

@ 11:59 am on 10.16.03

I was quite surprised yesterday when Luke walked in the door and told me that I had a present. I asked if it were from him and when he said no and handed it to me, I was overjoyed. His coworker, whom has never met me previously but knows me by sight, sent me a compilation CD full of Jeff Buckley-esque stuff and I love it! I�m going to have to make her more brownies or something because I am so grateful to her for being such a sweetheart to someone she�s never even spoken to.

I�m also in quite good spirits because I have been informed that I will be getting free (yes, free!) massages from Luke�s coworker. She�s doing her practicum for massage therapy school and needs people to work on. Luke turned her down because he thinks he�d feel awkward disrobing in front of a friend and coworker, so he asked me how I�d feel about it and I said that I�d be perfectly happy to so long as I get to keep my pants on. She came back yesterday and said it was perfectly cool. I think that since she can�t take money for her services yet, that we will arrange for evening appointments and Luke and I will bring over dinner to them in lieu of payment. My stepmom used to get weekly massages in a similar situation and she loved it. Maybe having massages will mean that my trapezus muscles loosen up and get at least partially elastic. As it stands now, they�re positively rock-like.

We went to Andy�s to retrieve our key from him and ended up having to watch some of Sex and the City. I can�t even begin to say how much I hate that show. It seems to me as if it gets more vapid and shallow with every episode I glimpse. We went to dinner, got a CD from him, and went home, thankfully. I think that I have developed an allergy to Andy, I really do. Whenever we have to go see him, I am struck with a headache and disorientation the moment he enters my presence. I was so desperate to escape him that I was actually relieve when he said that he wanted to go to bed and kicked us out. It didn�t help the headache any when he turned up his techno crap new CD and I found myself fixating on how much his back speakers were buzzing.

We made it home early, took a shower early, and cuddled in bed for a bit before going to sleep. Oddly enough, we got really silly right before we were going to sleep lying there in the dark thinking of movies to which we could add an extra fart track a l� Wet Hot American Summer. Among the top contenders were The Seventh Seal and The Fast and the Furious given the subtitle of Rice and Beans. Sophomoric, yes, but at least it�s proof that even smart people can laugh at dumb things, too.

I�m now going to torture you with more photos, only these are going to be right up here, not in link form, so you�ll have to suffer our mugs whether you enjoy it or not.

< cue evil laughter >

Luke and I lying in the leaves under the swingset.

Luke as seen from below leaning on a swing bar.

Lovely grey kitty outside the barn. He clearly doesn�t live there as deduced by the presence of fat, clear eyes, and a lack of raspy breathing.
