Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 4:26 pm on 08.15.03

Last night while I was feeding the cat, I got a nasty cut on my right pinky finger. I was replacing the cat food bag and accidentally brushed up against the box of tin foil, slicing my finger very painfully and causing it to bleed quite a bit before I had the chance to get a bandage on it. Luke was rather slow to react to my mutterings of �owowowowowOW!�, as he waltzed into the bathroom about 30 seconds after I started to disinfect it with rubbing alcohol. I was irritated with his lack of attentiveness so I snapped at him when he started to unwrap a Band-Aid for me, telling him not to and just to leave the room. When I had finished administering to my wound, he offered to kiss it and I accepted. I have since removed the bandage and am pleased to see that despite all the bleeding that was involved, it is already haling quite nicely. I was wishing the second it happened for some super glue. Of course, that�s what I am always wishing for when I cut a finger open.

Last night was stressful in the Disco household. I was irritated because Luke hasn�t been taking his share of housework on, he hasn�t been cooking like he�s supposed to, and I was feeling generally taken for granted. We watched Queer Eye for the Straight Guy on NBC and I was saddened by all the romance that was involved in that one guy�s proposal that it made me really resent the fact that romance is nonexistent in my relationship. I do nice things for him like cooking him special meals, making sure he�s happy, etc. I just don�t feel I get the same in return, especially since he�s supposed to be showing how good he is willing to be to me since the whole dishonesty thing from a couple of weeks ago when he was hiding things from me. Instead, I�m still cleaning up his dirty dishes, dirty clothes, and cooking all of his meals. At least when I made him eggs this morning he thanked me.

Now, I don�t often mention things that are going on in terms of national current events, but this whole blackout thing, though it came nowhere near affecting me, did have a ripple effect. M&C left for NYC yesterday only to arrive at their hotel for a few minutes before everything went down. I would like to think that it�s karma. While I�m sad that so many other people are having a hard time with the heat and the stairs and the lack of water, I also think it�s just right for C to have his �you�re such a good boy for doing drugs and fucking around and drinking too much� vacation ruined; if temporarily. Seeing as half the city is still without power, I�m hoping that a lot of their plans will be completely derailed and they�ll spend a good deal of time stuck in their hotel room with nothing to do but blink at one another in awkward silence.

I�m an evil, evil woman. I know.

It�s way too fucking hot outside. I�ve been wishing for autumn for a few weeks now; for extra blankets, morning frost, hot tea, and dappled leaves floating from trees as if they are choreographed.
