Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 11:10 am on 06.05.03

Last night, sleeping soundly after having a hard time getting there, I hear what I think is the phone ringing. Luke is still soundly aslumber, despite the phone being right next to his head. I grab it, managing somehow to mash some buttons and wake Luke up, check the Caller ID, and it reads �out of area�. Fuck. I go back to sleep after much tossing and 4 rolls around, only this time the phone is next to my head and rings once. I check; �out of area�. It figures that the one time the phone happens to be in the bedroom with us it decides to ring twice during the night. We, who never even get phone calls during the day, are rung twice in one night by a phantom. Yeah, thanks a lot, asshole.

Despite having had a hard time sleeping last night and having to go and apply for that job this morning without getting my usual amount of sleep, I am doing pretty well. We�ll see how I do later on when the day starts to wind down. I�ll probably be found drooling on the couch at some point after Luke gets home.

As for the whole application thing, it went fine, I guess. I walked in, filled out a computerized application, took their affirmative action survey, and then on to the typing test I went. I did well the first time and then continued to do worse every time thereafter. I guess what I did was good enough, though, since she let me move on to the spelling and grammar tests which were on paper for some reason. Like they couldn�t do that on a computer as well? I scored perfectly on the spelling and next to perfect with the grammar. The shitty thing about the grammar is that seeing so many options really screws with your head. You start to second guess yourself and that�s when it all goes downhill and your left gripping your pen and randomly circling whatever smells the best. I have an interview on the 17th at 11. I�m already nervous.

People kept coming into and going out of the office as I was doing my thing. It was a little unnerving having conversations going on all around me and there were people there testing who were on a first name basis with the employees. I wanted desperately to know what that was all about, but I kept mum. I do mind my business sometimes. It does look like a decent place to work. People were dressed casually and all seemed to be very friendly with one another. Here�s hoping I get it.

I came home to find a fire truck in the lot and my neighbors standing around outside. I got out of my car fearing the worst and asked the cool guy who has no name and lives downstairs what was up. He said that there had been a kitchen fire in the apartment above his. Joy of joys, it�s the one directly across from mine. Pot smoker, cat pee smelling, loud shitty music blaring chick across the hall had managed to torch her kitchen. Panic stricken, I ask if it�s okay to go in. Cool guy says it�s fine and I make my way to the door, keys in hand. Everything looks okay as I�m climbing the stairs, but looking is different from being. I unlock my door and see my lovely little white kitty sitting there looking confused. He was fine and that�s all that mattered. The place smells like smoke, but I imagine it would have been a lot worse had I not opened the sliding door before leaving this morning. It was stuffy, but it could have been kismet, too.

I called Luke when I got home to inform him of how my morning had gone and to ask him if he can change his work schedule temporarily. He�s going to see what he can do. The only reason I asked him to do this is the training schedule at my prospective new job offers three options, all of which involve Monday through Friday, only at hours when I cannot possibly manage to get Luke to work. Plus, Mondays are bad. Weekends already feel as though there�s too little time together and to miss a day, even for three weeks would be miserable. I know I�m crazy.

My idiot ex decided that after nine months he wanted to talk to me. He knows I don�t want to talk to him, so why would he bother? He tried small talk, but wised up relatively quickly when he realized that I just wasn�t interested. He even went so far as to ask about my site. Uh, no, I don�t think I�m going to give you access to the daily and very intimate details of my life. Sure, you�ve seen me naked, but that doesn�t mean that you forever have the right to intrude on my privacy. Now go away. What was I thinking in dating him for nine months? Yes, he was charming, older, and well, charming, but I should have been wiser than to ever get as involved as I did. I�m certainly glad that I have since sent he error of my ways. Guys who give you the time of day only when they want to aren�t worth the energy. I�m not your fair-weather girlfriend and not all of my emotions are sunshine and happy little butterflies. Screw you for expecting that, dillhole.
