Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 11:44 am on 05.24.03

I never wanted to get into any sort of Diaryland feud, but this has gotten out of hand. I have a disclaimer for a reason and that reason is because someone personally emailed me to try and tell me that she wouldn�t read me anymore unless I changed the way I say things. No, I won�t be doing that. Now or ever. I don�t care whether she reads me or not.

The problem is that she�s bitter. She seems to see herself as the world�s personal politically correct crusader, scolding people in the guestbooks of others for being honest and having the grit to leave their name. It�s not your fucking guestbook, so stuff it. Guestbooks are not for debate or for chastising others; they�re a place to provide feedback to the writer of the diary, not the world at large. You think I�m off-putting sometimes? Well, you can only listen to so many PC-isms before you want to vomit, preferably on the person uttering them. If you have to watch for toes that will only fit comfortably into clown shoes, it�s really not worth watching out at all.

The individual in question saw fit to remove me from her diaryring. Big deal. It�s not the removal that irks me; it�s the fact that I am more a member of the community for which she runs the ring than she has been in years. She rags on the publication constantly and she refuses to post on the boards except to complain about the magazine. Don�t run a ring for something you no longer support. I�m keeping the tag on my rings page to show that I still support it. I�ll make a note there when I�m done with this.

I considered emailing her and being civil, but I�m not going to do that. If you�re reading this, consider it my email in all its bitchy, �immature� glory. Come off of your high, easily offended horse and walk around with the other mortals, will you, dear? You want to be offended? I can offend you. Here: stop being a cunt. Easy enough. I�m sure you�ll fume and sputter and close the window immediately. Go on now; do as you�re expected, judging from all of your previous actions in similar situations. Talk to your husband about it; let him know that you�re flying off the handle about something someone on the internet said about you. Yet. Again.

Yes, it�s bilious, but I�ve reached my tolerance limit with this person and since it�s my diary I can say what I need to and most people will respect that, seeing as they understand what it means to have a diary. So, it�s open to the public, it�s still a diary just the same, written for me.

That does it for this entry.
