Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 2:28 pm on 05.21.03

Bluuurg�iced mocha on an empty stomach. I�m like a coked up ferret now. I�m waiting for the food I just ate to help take some of the edge off. Luke and I are both inexplicably tired today, so on his lunch break we beveraged (his 2nd mocha of the day so far) and sat in the car while he ate his tuna and cheese sandwich.

I�m getting more and more ambivalent about this DJ job thing. Yes, it would pay well, but being as sporadic as it is and, well, the squirreliness of my potential boss is a little off-putting. I�d much rather be an office rat making regular pay than a DJ making a pocketful once a month and getting hit on by drunk partygoers and old men at weddings.

The new hair is behaving well today; thank Maude. Hopefully, it�ll hold up.

Muppet showed up as I was preparing dinner last night. I didn�t anticipate a guest that soon, so we didn�t feed him. He did stay for two hours, though. Far longer than he had intentioned, but he said he was putting off going to Andy�s, as he didn�t want to see Andy�s obnoxious friend. I don�t understand why people aren�t honest. Honesty doesn�t necessarily mean cruelty, it just means saying what you think. I do this, Luke does this, I don�t see why others don�t. Muppet doesn�t like this friend of Andy�s and yet continues getting roped into doing things with him. Andy is the same way. He doesn�t particularly enjoy the company of this thirty-something man who refuses to act his age or spend time/date people in his peer group. Instead, he befriends people our age and chases 18-year-old girls, all the while complaining about how stupid everyone is. I�ve met him once and was wholly unimpressed. The more I hear about him, the less I like him. Prior to ever having met him, I was hearing horror stories from Andy. One was particularly wretched. Andy, his friend Christina, and this Frank character went bowling. Christina had to go to the bathroom and, in her absence, Frank asked Andy, �So when are you going to hit her in the shitter?� What? Dick. Later on, when she had to pee again, he had the gall to follow her into the bathroom. Yeah, he�s a winner. Were he ever to be that rude in front of me, I wouldn�t hesitate to grab him by the crotch and administer a good twist.

I showed Muppet the South Park version (link is to create your own) of him that I made. He loved it. I showed him all of the others and, like Luke and I, agreed that his is the best likeness. Here is the proof:

Muppet on New Year�s after consuming an entire bottle of Manischewitz and one of Boone�s Farm

South Park Muppet (note the double fisting of liquor)

Luke brought me home a magazine about Dreamweaver. Unfortunately, I am too jumpy today to commit myself to working with it. I have a bunch of idea running about in my head, but I can�t sit on one and do anything about it. I�ve been trying to hammer something out for days, but I�ve been completely unable. I guess I�m just overloaded and being hopped up on caffeine (the food isn�t helping) doesn�t help anything.

We have to go grocery shopping today after Luke gets out of work. We have decided just to pick up the basics since we can go without the extra stuff for a bit longer. Dude, someone in the adjacent building is squeezing a squeaky toy and it�s driving me batty. I�d like to pick up some stuff for spinach and pepperoni lasagna, but that falls into the category of extra stuff, so no go. Instead we�re grabbing milk, cereal, peanut butter, and whatever else we desperately need. I think I have to grab some applesauce too because the bananas we bought last time are beyond the ooh, I�m just gonna snack on one of these stage and into the ewww, those have to go into bread stage.

By this time tomorrow, I will have had my exam (full report when I get home) and won�t have to go in again for another year, at which point I hope to be back home. I�ll also be clear for sex, which will more than likely be fantastic. I think we�re slipping back into that place where we have to have it daily. I like that. Last night I really wanted it, but Luke, despite being really obviously aroused, said we had to wait until post-exam.
