Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 1:28 pm on 05.13.03

I didn�t sleep very well last night, but at least I�m not cranky. I got in a solid four hours before I started sleeping a little at a time. Yeah, 4 hours of on-off sleeping is such a bother, especially since you don�t want to get up and you wish for the time you have to get up to come faster, but that only makes it seem as though it takes even more time.

The tornado sirens were just a precaution, as the storm broke up in large part before hitting my county, but right after I got offline on Saturday night, I called B&N to make sure Luke was okay. The guy who answered the phone at first refused to allow me to speak to Luke, but when I told him I was his girlfriend he paged him over the PA. Luckily, despite being locked down, he was able to leave, so I trekked out in the heavy rain to get him after locking the cat in the bathroom. I was extremely nervous and spent at least fifteen minutes hugging him no the couch after we got home. It was a frightening thing, worrying that we�d lose everything in some horrible storm.

Sunday was extremely windy and we spent the majority of the day at M�s, doing laundry and just hanging about. She was adamant about keeping us there for dinner, I think largely because it was Mother�s Day and she wanted to spend time with us. Andy came over after we got home and I got to talk to Milo for a bit on the phone. He said that he would love to come stay for a week over the summer, but would want to take his father along. I don�t want that man anywhere near me. It�s bad enough that as soon as he was no longer beholden to me as my stepfather he started to treat me with civility with nary an apology for the 6 years he spent treating me like a maggot. I have a pullout couch that sleeps one, unless you are romantically attached. I suppose it would be fine if he accompanied the kid here, but I would have to insist upon not having to see him and that he stay in a hotel somewhere. Milo can stay here, but he is not permitted in my home, not now, not ever.

I also spent close to an hour on the phone with my wondrous stepmom. She always wants every single little detail of what�s up with me and we talk so easily. I love that. I couldn�t afford a card this year, but at least I got to talk to her. When I was on the phone with her, Dad brought her a bunch of pink roses. I know it�s my job to bestow the gifts of Mother�s Day, but I�m glad that Dad carries the torch for me while I�m not there. She gave me updates on all the cats, knowing that as family members it�s necessary. Apparently our old lady kitty has hyperthyroidism and is now on medication and slowly gaining weight back. She�s always been tiny, so even the smallest weight loss is concerning. That now makes two cats that require meds in my parents� house: Poe for his anxiety and inappropriate peeing issue, and Mistletoe for her thyroid. I wonder if Nim Chow is going to have to be medicated at some point.

Yesterday was beyond boring. We spent the entire time in our pajamas, not going anywhere and not doing much of anything. We even decided to get delivery, figuring that we may be poor but we deserved a dinner that wasn�t cooked at home. We did design a new template together, though. He gets major credit for it, as all I did was clean it up for presentation. He did all the design work and the major technical stuff. I still have a minor issue that I have to fix, since the entry text seems to want to center itself all the time. You know, when each line starts at the paragraph�s center and not at the left. I don�t know how to get that worked out. This particular problem hasn�t presented itself previously. If anyone has any ideas on that one, let me know in my guestbook. It would be much appreciated and I will love you forever.

Today is another one of Luke�s funny days. He�s working until 7:30 and it still throws me off a bit. At least he didn�t set his alarm last night or wake up three minutes before my alarm goes off freaking out about being late. I made sure to prime him last night on how it�s okay that we�ll be waking up at 10:30. He thought it was funny.

For some reason the cat has decided to be a holy terror lately. I found him on top of the bookshelf in the bedroom chewing the hell out of one of my plants. I don�t know why he thinks he can get away with this shit, but until the weather gets unbearably hot and we have to sleep with the air conditioning on, the bedroom is off limits.

Luke�s any my 2 � year anniversary is coming up on the 25th. Unfortunately, we�re going to be at his grandmother�s for that grad/retirement party. It�s not that we even bother to celebrate the halves, but it�s still nice to spend some quality time together on those days. It�s hard to believe that we�ve been together that long. I�m still reeling over Luke having told one of his distant uncles last summer that we had been together two years. It�s one thing to know it and say it yourself, but to hear someone else say it is extremely weird. It�s also weird to think in terms of our having been together since we were 19. Though it feels like we�ve been together forever, it also feels like it can�t possibly be as long as it has.
