Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 12:35 pm on 05.06.03

We did no painting yesterday. We showed up at Andy�s, laid out the grid for his precious blocks of blue, and then discovered that his mom had taken the drop cloths with her to wash them over the weekend. So, she�s going to have to bring them back up and then he�ll let us know when he�s ready for the painting. Instead of painting, we hung around, played two rounds of Hoopla!, and watched music videos over his DSL connection.

I�m relatively certain that the yeast beast is gone. I�m now dealing with the allergic reaction to the meds. I have some itch in certain places from the skin peeling away, but it�s much more bearable than it was last Thursday. I wish I knew whether or not it�s safe to have sex again. It�s really starting to bother the both of us and is definitely getting in the way of how we interact with one another. Built up sexual energy makes for very strange interactions and behaviors that I could honestly do without.

Our money situation is abominable. We paid rent yesterday and deposited his paycheck, thus we have a $-0.99 balance. There is still gas to be put in the car and various other little incidentals to be bought, but all we can manage is the gas, and even then we risk major overdraft charges. We are hoping that the rent check won�t clear until much later this week, like after Saturday so that we don�t get hit with the $25 overdraft fee for a 99-cent deficit. I�m hoping to get a call or two from the places I applied at this week. If they don�t call, I�m just going to have to keep looking while we plummet deeper and deeper into financial hell.

Luke�s at work now, he will be there until 7:30. This one day really gets to me for some reason. Maybe it�s because I can�t go back to bed and sleep away several of the long hours that I have to be alone. Maybe it�s because 7:30 is around the time when we�ve just settled into the evening and are eating dinner in front of the television. Maybe it�s because it makes running errands together impossible, as everything major closes before 6. Maybe it�s because despite working 40 hours a week, it still doesn�t pay enough to keep our heads above water. I don�t like coming down from the weekends in the first place, but to have him gone for so long on Tuesdays is somehow jarring to me. I wish there were some way to ease into it. Yes, it is nice to be able to sleep until 10:30, but to have to surrender him to the workweek half an hour later is the antithesis of fun for me and, I imagine, for him as well.

I feel almost as if I have nothing to look forward to. It�s not that I lack hope or faith, it�s that we have no plans. I don�t know when I�ll get to go on a vacation home, or even to move back there for an unspecified amount of time. There are no movies that we�re itching to see, and if there were we�d have no money to pay for it. We don�t go out on dates, we can�t go out to dinner alone, and we can�t shop for fun new things. I guess all of my woes are financial and I am cognizant that I ultimately have nothing to whine about if that�s all there is. It just gets depressing sometimes.
