Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 4:51 pm on 04.18.03

We spent the evening with Andy in his new condo. It was considerably smaller than I had imagined it and he has to pay for laundry. I�m sorry, but if you�re going to be paying eighty thousand dollars for a mere one thousand twenty five square feet, you should at least be able to have in-unit laundry. The bedrooms are both quite small and with all of the crap that he has, even post-weed through, it�s going to be painfully cramped inside when he gets finished unpacking. It�s also rather unfortunate that he�s in the black hole of food delivery. We called four different places, none of which would deliver to his place and finally had to have Pizza Hut, which took eons to actually get there.

He�s doing some very interesting things in terms of painting, or rather, he�s having his mom follow his very interesting orders about what he wants done in terms of painting. He has all of these really vivid colors picked out and one room down. He chose to have the office a very bright shade (I�m going to try to approximate it) of green. Walking from that room to the next, which is still white, is quite the ocular shock. It�s like going from a web page that�s done with black background and white text, to the exact opposite. Painful, I say. I tried to convince him to change his plans for the living room from three different shades of blue polka dots on one wall with the surrounding wall each one of the blues, to stripes of the different blues on the walls and the polka dots on the ceiling, but he was having none of it.

It�s nice to see him pleased with it all, but I know that it�s not going to last long before he�s restless and miserable again. I�m just glad that he no longer lives an hour away so we can actually visit him instead of him having to come here all the time. Of course, I�m going to be taking full advantage of his super fast internet connection once that�s installed.

This morning was boring. I was hoping that Luke would wake up enough to be amorous, but no such luck. Instead I found myself lying there for half an hour, getting frustrated, and getting up only to have him come tottering out ten minutes later. I have a feeling that as much as he says he�d like to do something about our sex life, he won�t actually act to make it better. He chose to look up word after word in the dictionary yesterday afternoon instead of spending time with me and we were too tired to do anything last night. I think I�m just going to go back to being resigned to having sex two days in a row followed by nothing for four days only to repeat the process. It pisses me off and makes me glum, but I�ll adjust. I suppose that as long as my expectations are set unbelievably low, it won�t take much to please me. I think that I may talk to him about it.

I have to take Luke some dinner tonight at seven. He wants a fried egg sandwich on lightly buttered toast and something to drink. I can do that. He asked me the other night to go to University Bookstore tonight in order to buy The Eyre Affair and have it signed, but I think he�s either forgotten or realized that we really don�t have the money to buy anything that we don�t absolutely need. How depressing. But, you can bet your sweet ass that I�m counting loads of cheese as an absolute need.

I also have to remember to call Andy tonight and ask him if he wouldn�t mind coming over to feed the cat while we�re away this weekend. We�ve never been away for more than one night in a row and I don�t want the poor little blighter going all crazy with separation anxiety and hunger. I figure Andy�s the most trustworthy person we know, and Ghostcat knows and loves him, so we should have him come to spend fifteen minutes with him twice daily just to give him his kibble and freshen his water.
