Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Jet's Get Born||Reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain (no time to read)||Knitting: grey cardigan sweater for me

@ 11:50 am on 01.21.04

I had one of those mornings where it was all I could do to drag myself out of bed. I�m neither depressed nor virulent, but I was just so comfortable and warm. The only thing that managed to get me up was the fact that Luke wasn�t there and I would soon have gotten bored. It�s been freezing around here lately, so I tossed some extra blankets on the bed last night and was all cocooned and cozy all night long.

The other night we had G put the door back up at the top of the stairs so that Ghostcat wouldn�t wander into their room at night and bother them. See, he�s gotten adventurous lately and there is no way that we can keep him in the room since he knows how to both open the door and squeeze under it when it�s closed and locked. So, the door went up and I like it. It adds just that little bit of extra privacy. One thing I could do without, though, is the fact that M likes to open the door and squirt the poor cat with Febreze when he cries at it. Stupid cow. I don�t punish her dog for whining or scratching at my leg, but my cat gets a shot of chemicals in the face for being on the opposite side of a door and wanting some human attention? If she does it again tonight, I�m hiding the Febreze and telling her to knock it the fuck off. I know the woman won�t listen to reason, but I can at least try. That, or I can start being rude to the dog in her presence.
