Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 3:40 pm on 08.19.03

I experienced a mix of fortune on Saturday night. I got Luke�s dinner ready, got into the car, and started to make my way to him. The bad thing was that the car was malfunctioning; refusing to accelerate properly, had a difficult time starting up, and crapped out on me while I was driving down the Beltline, forcing me to leave it with the hazards on by the side of the road. Thankfully, I hadn�t been walking 5 minutes before a very nice girl stopped and gave me a ride the rest of the way to B&N. Because we didn�t know what was wrong with it, we were very worried, so Luke called Andy to come rescue me. I waited at B&N for an hour before he showed up with Muppet and his friend Justin. They gave me a lift to my car, I called AAA, and AAA towed it back to the apartment. During the time in the car, the three boys decided to torture me with Cher (ha! And they all say they�re straight.) and, since I�m the only one who has ever had a sex life to speak of (2 virgins and one who has had sex a total of twice three years ago), it became a topic of conversation. It was a strange situation for me, being the only one with sexual experience. Before I got heavily involved, I could hold my own in a conversation with those who were already coupled, but I was never there with them, couldn�t speak from personal experience.

Because Luke needed a way to get home and we still had no idea what the problem was, Andy dropped Muppet and I off at Muppet�s car and he and I whiled away the time until we needed to get the boy. We visited his frat house and I was pretty unimpressed, I learned that he had sprained his knee while trying to move things, and we talked. After retrieving Luke, Muppet stayed until 2am talking with us. We showered and made it to bed by three.

Sunday was boring, at least until the early evening hours. Luke checked out the car, I called my Gram to wish her a happy belated birthday, and he came back to say that everything looked fine, but the gas gauge was very misleading and it had run out of gas on me. A call to Andy was enough to take care of the problem. He drove us to get a gas can and some gas and he was kind enough to foot the bill since we had no money. That seemed to fix the problem and we then headed out for dinner. I had been feeling a little weird since Andy showed up, first with a headache and then just generally woozy after dinner, so we just came home. We watched some Buffy and I got upset for unBuffy-related reasons, wondering why it is that we don�t really have sex much anymore. He explained that everything is fine and that it�s not me. He still has a sex drive; it�s just that he�s tired when he gets home from work. He said we�d work on fixing things up this week.

Even though we had no money, we desperately needed food in the house, so we decided to go ahead and overdraw in order to grocery shop. Now we have food in the house and the store wasn�t crowded, being 10:45 when we arrived and 12:05 when we left. Luke took advantage of the lack of crowdedness and made me dance with him in the aisles sometimes. It cheered me up to be spending time with him. We came home, put stuff away, showered, and had lovely sex.

Yesterday was sweltering, so we left early to do laundry chez M&G. We arrived at around 1 and got there just in time to see G heading back to work from his lunch break. We finally managed to wash our bath mat, which has been really gross and more than a little smelly for quite some time. Now, though, it�s soft and smells just fine after I gave it a good Febreze-ing. M&C still weren�t home, so even though our laundry had long been done, Luke wanted to stick around until they arrived. I humored him, even though I could have gone without seeing C for another week and it was more than a little bit uneventful. M caught C�s cold (ah, sweet karma; first it sent him a blackout, then rhinovirus), the power being out was a waste of a day and a half, and they were in the audience for Conan on Friday. We came home and Luke cooked dinner! I don�t even know that last time he made us dinner, but I was so very thankful for that. It was, despite being just tacos, quite tasty and more than refreshing having not made them myself.

I told Luke that since C is going away to school in 8 (8!) days, he should start thinking about getting back the things he�s loaned the loser: CDs, clothes, and various other things. I just hope he actually takes things back and doesn�t wimp out at the last second like he has a tendency to do. I am so glad that C is leaving. Hopefully, he�ll stick it out at school long enough to allow for Luke and I to make our move back East. It would go beyond sucking if he decided that he hated school and dropped out within the first year.

I haven�t got too much to do today: just laundry folding and dinner making. I�m overjoyed that I don�t have to even think about going outside since it�s supposed to get above 90 again today. I couldn�t possibly hate this weather any more. We�re at near drought conditions and I really couldn�t care less about the crops, but at least rain would mean that it was cooler outside. I woke up very early this morning sweating like crazy and made the executive decision to close the windows and turn on the air conditioning. The cat wanted to go into bastard mode an hour or two later, so I kicked him out, but at least the air conditioning can manage to seep through crack under the door and make sleeping bearable.
