Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 11:01 pm on 04.25.03

Ahhh, the sweet smell of success. So, I�m in a template creating frenzy. So far, three have been developed for me, the current one included. This current one was a collaborative effort. I joined forced with Luke, Andy, and the illustrious genius girl Kate. The second was done by Luke and it�s very earthy. It�s still in the .psd stage, so it had to be worked on some yet. The third, I worked on for most of the day today. I probably should stop being so damned obsessive and hell-bent upon succeeding at things, but I�m really pleased with what I came up with, so I�ll probably stick it up sometimes within the next several months. I am that proud of it. Oh, and it�s adorable, too. The downside of this pride is that I also feel like one of those grimy, stereotypical programmers who hiss at the sun and subsist on Funyuns. Granted, a Funyun hasn�t passed my lips in quite some time, but I may as well have been tossing them back by the bagful.

Due to the events of the past two days, Luke has decided to start teaching me the various ins and outs of Photoshop. Between that and Andy bringing over an HTML book for me, I should have plenty to do in the coming weeks. My assignment for today, though very simple, was to take a picture of our cat and make him blue without marring anything in the background. I succeeded in less than five minutes. I�m finding out that I know more than I thought I did. With all of the computer crap that I am planning on learning, I guess that the guitar that�s been calling my name in the bedroom for so many months will continue to go ignored. It�s a shame, really.

I�m such a flighty person sometimes. I plan to take on projects all the time and I never finish any of them. I started learning that guitar in October and quit within a week because I have neither music stand nor straight-backed chair in which to sit. My dad gave the book that I got for learning that glorious instrument to me more than two years ago. He was going to let me have at his host of gorgeous guitars so that I could learn, as I had been yammering on about it for months prior. I plan on sticking with Luke�s School of Computer Education, though. I owe it to myself to see something through. That, and I like designing my own templates. I can never find one, in all of the free template providers out there, that I adore. So, if I want to keep it up, I have to learn more. Not just the Photoshop and HTML, but how to better utilize FrontPage. I never want to spend as many hours on one stinking template as I did today.

I brought him dinner tonight. I don�t understand how he can be nearly 22 years old and still adore Spaghetti-Os with meatballs. That orangey sludge full of miniscule brown super balls makes me sick. I can smell it even before it hits the microwave and I find myself unwittingly hollering about just how awful said �food� is every time he eats it. I will admit that when we were poorer (yeah, I said poorer) I would occasionally indulge in the sludge that passes as a nutritious meal for young children the country over, but why eat that when I can have decent pasta? It�s incomprehensible to me that he will turn his nose up at a beautiful plate of lasagna for that, that drivel. He came home from work a couple of weeks ago talking about how he had been reading this cookbook written specifically with bachelors in mind (bachelors can�t feed themselves, you know) and said volume claimed that Spaghetti-Os are the �perfect food�. I think not. I think it is safe to say that nothing that nitrate-laden is perfect in any sense of the word. Anything canned which requires shaking before opening in order to reincorporate the fat that rises to the top during it�s ever so long shelf life should be fed only to the worst of human rights violators. Talk about crimes against humanity.

I obviously didn�t make lasagna tonight, what with spending so much time designing, but that gives me something to do tomorrow night. I just ate what I had in the freezer instead. I�m such a sad individual. I�ve eaten 4 meals in two days because all I�ve done is sit at the computer alternately in states of disgust and triumph. But, it�s not like I can head out and run a marathon with a back injury. It actually feels better when I don�t move around so much. When I spoke to the dude-nurse the other day, he said that I should be resting it anyway.

I was originally planning on taking a nap while Luke was working since I slept kind of poorly. If it wasn�t the cat jumping on my face or Luke snoring, it was me turning over only to experience a fair amount of pain. It was a depressing state of affairs. Luckily, I got a �treat� when Luke woke up, so it made it relatively worth it.
