Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 11:31 am on 04.03.03

We played dress up last night�well I did at least. Even better was that Luke decided to use one of his Valentine�s Day coupons in order to request it. It was great fun, and though relatively tame considering what I was expecting out of the situation, I enjoyed myself greatly. There was a little bit of arm pinning, but no spanking or tying up. We went to bed a little after eleven, truly amazing for us since we rarely get to sleep before midnight.

It�s nice to know that I really think that Luke is starting to prioritize sex. We talked about it a couple of weeks ago when two days had gone by with no signs of action and I got pissy. We agreed not to watch late night television anymore because that isn�t a mood builder at all and that we�d try to spend more time together in general. Last night, even though we finished having sex even before the news was over, he didn�t turn on the television. Instead he went and got a book. It was actually me who turned on the television and cuddled him since I had enjoyed my fill of reading for the day, plowing through nearly a hundred pages of dense text in two hours.

Luke�s mom called us the other night and invited us to go see The Trachtenberg Family Slide Show (it�s a Google search) on Sunday night. Apparently they have an extra ticket and we have to go to Mad City Music X to pick up another one. I�ve heard a great deal of buzz about them and have wanted to see them ever since they ran a comparison between the little girl and Meg White in CMJ some time ago. I guess we�re going to be doing dinner at New Orleans Take-Out or Creole Caf� since it�s what Luke suggested due to M&G�s having been in New Orleans just a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, they weren�t overly impressed with the food while they were there, though. When they came back from their five-day stint in Paris last March they were insane for cr�pes, baguettes, cheese, and wine at all meals. They�re actually still insane about those four things, going so far as to buy a cr�pe pan from Williams Sonoma.

I think M�s Empty Nest Syndrome is starting to kick in. I mean, yeah, when they got Nigel, we knew that she was gearing up for it, but they�re talking about getting yet another dog and C is going away to California on Sunday for spring break. Luke prognosticates that M is going to start putting Nigel in baby clothes and parading him around. Scariest of all is that I think he means it.

Speaking of scary, I thought that I was getting super sick again yesterday for a short while. Luckily, it turned out that the broccoli and cheese soup I had at B&N just didn�t sit with me well and it managed to sort itself out within an hour, Pepto coming to my aid in the end. Unfortunately, due to my sour stomach we didn�t get to go exchange a pair of pants that M gave to Luke for Christmas. I am fully aware that it is very late to be exchanging Chrstmas gifts, but these pants were one of those things that just never really came out of the box and sop they sat in what I presumed to be an empty box on Luke�s dresser until just the other day when I was dusting and realized that a box that heavy could not possibly hold just bubble wrap. I had brought them along in the hopes that I was fine, but when I told Luke that I was a little off, he insisted that we come immediately home and said we�d do it today.

We have a few errands to run after I get him from work anyway, so why not add one more to the list. At least Target is in the general vicinity of his job, whereas Mad City is way across town near the Capitol building. We have to get cheese too. We�ve been out of cheese for several days and I�m starting to crave. Yes, there is some Romano in the house if I get really desperate, but that would involve me having to make some pasta or do some sort of other cooking in order to have some since I find it a little too strong to eat in slices. Little chunks that are too bog for pasta and become victims of the grater I eat with gusto, but giant hunks are out of the question. With the glory of cheddar, all you have to do is slice and munch.

I don�t want to imagine a world without delicious cheese. I think I could possibly be without any other food item, so long as I could keep cheese. I could even go without chocolate! When I was sick last month, I couldn�t eat dairy for two days and all I really wanted was some cheese and crackers. It was rough.

I have resolved, once we have all of the must-haves, that John Cusack DVDs will be our newest home theatrical endeavor. Grosse Point Blank, High Fidelity, and Better Off Dead are in the top three, but I could stand for all of the other early ones too. I�m excited about his new film Identity, but I fear that it may have been another bad decision on his part. Maybe I�ll get lucky, though. He�s only disappointed me once, with that horrid Serendipity crap, but the offense of that still stings.
