Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

||Reading The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde||and soon to be Eats Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss

@ 7:18 pm on 06.09.04

Dude, that gift we were getting from a friend in SF? Yeah, he got us this. Color me both psyched and amazed that someone who has never met us in real life thought to give us something so pricey. I was reluctant to use it yet, as the in-laws would want to use it and they tend to break thigns easily, but we're going to whip it out tomorrow morning at breakfast and put it away without them ever having known.

Work was hellish today, to say the least. I slept for shit last night and had to work at 8. It was slow, but I ended up working 1/2 an hour longer than I should have because a coworker didn't fucking look at the schedule. Did I mention that in those 8 1/2 hours, I didn't have one break? Uh huh. No breaks.

We did have some hella good (yeah, I said 'hella', wanna make something of it?) make up sex last night, though. One second I was watching Last Comic Standing and the next Luke was all over me and couldn't keep his hands off me. God damn, that was some good nookie. I am very much looking forward to a possible rerun tonight. That, and having tomorrow off so that I can relax.
