Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

||Reading The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde||

@ 4:12 pm on 05.13.04

Another day off today and I wish I had more help with laundry and the various other chores that need to be done. I've been too sick for the past week to keep up with everything. And I do realize that it's partly my own fault for making Thurday both laundry and sheet changing day, but if he doesn't have to work, either, why shouldn't I get a load off?

I do get to cook tonight. I'm making my first ever batch of beef enchiladas. Since I'm in the mood for Mexican and unwilling to drive to Madison to get some pre-made, I decided that I'd make some here and because chicken is out of the questiona s far as Luke is concerned, I had to settle upon beef. I chose enchiladas because I've been getting really sick of having freaking tacos all the damned time. I know that enchiladas and the the majority of all Americanized "ethnic" foods are merely a combination of the same three or four basic ingredients, but there is still a difference.
