Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

||Reading The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde||

@ 5:20 pm on 05.09.04

I hereby rescind the praise I previously heaped upon NyQuil. Last night it did diddly shit for me and I slept very poorly as a result. I spit upon thee, NyQuil.

I then awoke this morning to find that the torrential rain of last night had actually come into the basement, stopping abruptly at our bedroom door. So, feeling as if someone had rented self storage in my head, I made about mopping that shit up. Yes, mopping. My in-laws don't have a Shop-Vac. I went upstairs for brunch, talked to my family and my brother, and came back down for more mopping. You would think that since the basement floods every spring, the in-laws would have wanted to fix the problem, but just as they are with everything else, they let it happen and get irritated about it.

I spent almost all of yesterday at Andy's and slept for the better part of an hour and a half curled up in his big living room chair while he watched Freaks and Geeks, which I had brought with me so as to avoid actually doing anything for the tenure of my visit. My plan worked excellently, save for the part where he knew I was sleeping and would talk to me anyways.

Depending upon how I feel tomorrow when I get up, I may not go in to work. I realize that I desperately need the hours, but I also would like to feel better sooner than later and being able to rest would allow me to do that.
