Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 11:59 am on 03.26.03

We got to bed only slightly earlier than usual last night, but at least it was sleep. I dropped off immediately and slept through to just before the alarm sounded. I came home and went back to sleep after dropping Luke off, but woke up periodically for no apparent reason. When I decided to finally get up just after ten-thirty, I was groggy and covered in a thin layer of sweat. I was not pleased. I told Luke that I admired his tenacity in going to work on two hours sleep. I would have called in and slept all day had I been in the same situation.

When I went to get Luke yesterday, I discovered that he had already purchased Jackass: The Movie on his lunch break. I cursed at him and all he did was giggle, knowing that I wasn�t serious. We watched it when we got home and some of the funniest stuff never even ended up in the film. My favorite, that we watched twice, was the segment in which Rake Yohn�s hatred of mustard is displayed in all its raging glory. I found myself saying at random intervals afterward, �It�s just mustard!� After a while, Luke was no longer amused.

My sexually repressed friend just told me that she went to an all-nude strip club last night and, while extraordinarily drunk, received both private dance and make-out session. Firstly, I don�t particularly like strip clubs, particularly those with over muscled men and freakishly large penises. If I were going to be getting a private dance from anyone, I�d want it to be a girl with plenty of curves, not some tanning-bed addict. Secondly, if a stripper turns your proverbial crank and your boyfriend doesn�t, then maybe you should do the nice thing and end the relationship. She makes me angry and I really don�t care to speak to her much anymore.

Luke�s parents were supposed to come and get those bloody film tickets last night, but no big surprise, they never showed. It�s just as well, really, since I didn�t feel like seeing them at all and haven�t lately. I think I�m experiencing in-law overload and am so very thankful that we live in a quarter of the city that they rarely visit. Oh, that and I don�t need that damned dog in my house. That part is key.

I believe that I will be working out today. I haven�t been at all consistent with that lately and am feeling the consequences. I am tired all the time, inflexible, and just generally feel atrophied. I�m not going to beat myself up over not having done anything last week because I felt wretched and nothing was going to help that, particularly forcing myself to do something that I really was averse to doing.
